When your children feel tired, scared, lonely, and disappointed, they would expect a hug rather than any words of teaching or encouragement.

It is immensely miraculous and inexplicable that whenever I was suffering from illness, headache, bone pain, or fatigue, my body was gradually healing after my kids simply had touched my forehead, rubbed my head, or gently put a hand on my spine. I can feel very clearly that a great burst of fresh energy spread within my body, softening the pain, relieving stress and anxiety. Among relatives of the same blood, there is indeed a deep connection that cannot be expressed in words, but can only be felt in the body.

Every morning, I have a habit of waking my kids up by giving them a hug. They began to wiggle, stretch, and crawl like a lazy cat sunbathing, which radiates a great deal of mild and sweet energy around. They happily smiled, completely relaxed and ready to start a new day. Occasionally, busy work prevented me from executing cuddling procedures, I realized they became more annoyed and stubborn than normal.

The younger the child is, the greater demand of parent-child interaction using body language. and expect to receive responses from their parents' bodies. When children feel tired, scared, lonely, disappointed, they expect a hug rather than words of encouragement. When children are confused, bewildered, they expect a reliable gaze, a warm fist from the person they love. When they are confiding, they expect an eye to listen attentively rather than to explanations. When they succeed, they expect to see a smile on your face more than any other reward. While words are a way of communicating to the crowd, to other strangers, body contact is the most private, warmest, most direct communication channel for real people. close, loving and trustworthy to use.

Ngày: 30/4/2020 - đăng bởi: giangnguyen
Nguyen Van Dat 04/30/2020 09:02:38 AM

Tag: #Timeline

