[For children]

1. Encourage kids to exercise. Martial arts are not really must thing. Simply fine enough to try good physical exercise. Having health, the kids can at least ... run faster to escape from hits. Lessen 1 hour of English classes and add 1 more hour of exercise just because bullies do not speak English.

2. Teaching children that saving lives is first. Do not say something like “be the man! Not be like girls " or other hero acts. Keep your life and then we can do more in the future.

3. Stay away from trouble and friends who boast about fighting, violence, or tend to cause trouble with other friends. This is also a way to eliminate violence for your community. Someday those who love violence will find it unacceptable among community. To play with others, to play together – let become a civilized and polite child.

4. Meet gangsters, do not show fear or weak. Neither do us toad nor care about anything. Stay calm as possible. Hide your fears. Speak modestly and moderately and try to stop at this level - no challenges, ready to admit defeat, apologize and run out of trouble promptly. Softness is a way to cool others' anger. And while you talk, keep your eyes on the search for an escape route. 

5. Running is the quickest way to avoid fights. Onee, two, three …. run! Run at your most effort!

6. Run ahead toward the crowd. Run into public places such as restaurants, coffee shop, offices, banks ….if there is no sight of police station.

7. Absolutely do not listen to those who are threatening to go to a deserted place to avoid the hits.

8. If possible, dial 113 or call any relative. The phone always sets speed dialing mode by holding the key.

9. Whenever there are signs that someone threaten/ bully or beat you, you need to speak as soon as possible to your parents or teachers. Do not be afraid to hide. The bully wants you to not tell anyone because they are afraid you tell them to others.

10. Always have friends and close friends in groups so that if anyone in the group is attacked, the rest will go to teachers, parents and polices as quickly as possible.


[For parents - teachers]

1. Always believe in what children say. Do not shout them away. Do not doubt them and do not ignore their words.

2. Keep an eye on the children. Children who are more likely to be bullied must be paid more attention. Appreciate the signs that the children, the students are being bullied like children who feel afraid, anxious and nervous etc...

3. Teach children skills about preventing school violence.

4. Let children know they are always protected by parents.

5. Make children/ students feel comfortable and willing to share any story with us.

6. Keep an eye on behaviors if your child obsesses to violence or behave in violent ways.

7. Connect with friends of your children, your students. They will be your effective channel to listen and watch all.

8. Purify the environment around your children/ students by saying no to violence - bullying – bad words. Punish aggressively with these behaviors as soon as it starts.

9. Show the children/ students what we will do if our children, our students are bullied. Children will feel more secured when knowing that their parents and teachers always have solutions to protect them.

10. Share this article or read it to your children, your students to talk with them more about school violence.

Ngày: 30/4/2020 - đăng bởi: giangnguyen
Nguyen Van Dat 04/30/2020 09:06:13 AM

Tag: #Timeline

